ABOUT IE -Kanpur Local Centre
The Kanpur Local Centre of the Institution of Engineers (India) was established in 1967 in a small room at the residence of Shri J. S. Murdia, FIE. The membership of the Centre was about 35 only. The first Chairman was Late Er. Shobham FIE, Cheif Engineer Kanpur Nagar Mahapalika. The first Honorary Secretary was Shri J. S. Murdia, Chief Engineers Elgin Mills no.1 Kanpur. The Kanpur Sub-Centre started functioning and started activites at flat no. 44 Navin Market Kanpur where it was shifted in 1968. A small library was also established in 1968 in small room at Navin Market Kanpur. The Kanpur Sub-centre Committee has unanimously decided to start Memorial Lecture series at the Kanpur Centre in the sweet memory of Late. Dr. Daya Swaroop FIE, who was the Great Metallurgist of India, our past Chairman and the most active member of the Executive Committee. The memorial lecture was decided to be organised every year on the occasion of the Annual General Meeting of the Corporate Members by the persons of eminence in the field of Metallurgical Engineering. Kanpur Local Centre is organising lecture every year since 1987. Kanpur Local Centre has so far organised 20 Memorial lectures by process of high immense. With the best efforts made by Shri N.C. Vaish FIE, Chairman, Prof. Dinesh Narayan FIE, Honorary Secretary as well as members of the executive committee, the sub center was upgraded and re-named as Kanpur Local Center in 1988 and its membership was raised from 350 to 630 within six month period. During that period an All India Council Meeting of the Institution of Engineers(India) was held at the Local Center in August 1988 under the best supervision of Shri N.C. Vaish FIE, Dr. G.K. Lal FIE and Dr. N.G.R. Iyengar FIE all India Council Members of the Institution of Engineers (India).
The Board of Governors HBTI & Dr. A.K. Vasishtha FIE, Director, HBTI Kanpur assured all help for allocation of 2270 sq.m land on lease for construction of new building responding to the appeal given by Shri N.C. Vaish, FIE and Prof. Dinesh Narayan. The HBTI authority was kind enough to give the new site to the institution. It is a site, that present HBTI East campus stands majestically. The Fountain stone of the building was laid down by Shri K.M Chakravorty, the President of Institution of Engineers (India) on 27th August 1988. This became possible only with the generous contribution/donation of well wishers and Engineers dedicated in this cause and local center shifted to this new building in November 1989 from Navin Market Kanpur.
The Kanpur Local Center of the Institution of Engineers (India) contributed its activities with the leadership of Council Member to the development of Local Center in various spheres. This center has opportunity of having eminent engineers in the Engineering fields and its Chairman and Honorary secretaries. Kanpur Local Center which was started with about 35 Corporate Members and about 10 Graduate Members now has become a full fledged Local Center of having about 600 Corporate Members and than 350 Graduate Members within its jurisdiction.
The Kanpur Local Center organized all India events like 542th Council Meeting of IEI during August 26-28,1988 and 5th Indian Engineering Congress and Annual General meeting of IEI in December 1990 at I.I.T Kanpur. This Local Center celebrated its Silver Jubilee year on completion of 25th year of its existence with the inaugural function of new building at HBTI Campus on 12 December 1993 inaugurated by the President Shri G.P. Lal, FIE. An annual convention of All India Sr. Technician/Technicians was also organized by this center on 25th October 1996. On this occasion a foundation stone of auditorium was also laid down by Shri N.C.Vaish FIE, President of Institution of Engineers (India). Out of the above Local Center has organized 2nd & 34th All India National Convention of Aerospace Engineers in 1979 & 2022. 14th National Convocation of Mechanical Engineers and 34th All India National Convention of Textile Engineers in 2022 were also organised.